Bridal shoots are just so fun! You get to get all dressed up before your actual wedding day, not to mention get to wear your dress twice, and the camera is all on you. And I just LOVE bridal portraits! There is just something so serene and peaceful about a bride the day of her bridal shoot. Excitement just fills the air and she just seems so at peace! There is no stress, no schedule, nowhere to be. Just the gorgeous bride and the camera. And oh. my. goodness. Isn’t Tiffany just breathtaking? Swoon! You are absolutely GORGEOUS girl! I would have this bridal shot below as big as I could get it on my wall, because it is that GORGEOUS! It is no doubt that Tiffany made a beautiful bride…you will get to see her wedding day here on the blog tomorrow. Get excited! Oh the light! Love love love me some great light!
Another fav!!!! Ahhh…
You are just stunning girl!
Totally in love with this shot! That ring! Gahhh!
Loved this red chair! More gorgeousness!
And a little treat for her HUSBAND! 🙂 So cute Tif!
Be sure to come back tomorrow and see Tiffany + Randall’s gorgeous wedding day!