It is no secret that I adore babies! I have even been called the baby whisperer at times by those who know me well. Hehe. Thank goodness I have that in me because photographing newborns definitely takes a lot more than a camera. It takes love, creativity, a keen eye for detail, and above all else, patience. Lots and lots of patience!
There are so many tricks and small details that goes into a newborn session to make it successful and I always love it when I learn something new and those tiny light bulb moments happen to make my job a tad bit easier. My recent trip to Canada was nothing short of amazing! I had the pleasure of working with two incredible photographers, Sandra Hill & Katy Brunkard, who also specialize in newborn photography. Their work speaks to me and matches my style so well! I was so excited when I found out they were putting on a workshop! I love learning from other photographers and gaining a fresh perspective and Sandra & Katy were truly wonderful to learn from! They definitely helped me expand my vision and I am so excited for whats to come for all my tiny clients!
My love for photographing newborns keeps growing with each little one that I meet. I feel very blessed to have found my passion and that parents entrust me to capture their babies first photos in their very first days. New life is such an incredible gift from God and I am fascinated by each of his new creations. Each little baby is truly unique and perfect in their own tiny way. Each tiny face, tiny finger, and tiny toe. They are only this tiny for a teeny tiny while! They are only this new once! That is why I have such a passion for capturing them in their first moments of life and being able to offer my clients gorgeous images of their babies that they will have to look back on forever and be able to pass down for generations to come!
We got to work with three gorgeous newborns! Ben, Grace & Eli. They were absolute perfect little models for us! Here are some of my favorites from the day! What is your favorite?
We call this the “Potato Sack”! Hehe! Isn’t this just precious of Ben!
Gorgeous Grace!!! Look at those sweet toes ya’ll!
Loved all her purdy hair!
This is Eli! How bout those cheeks! Don’t you want to kiss on them?
Eeeek!!! Baby feet ya’ll!
This would have to be my absolute fav of the day! Doesn’t he look so precious and peaceful?
Thanks for stopping by! I take a limited number of newborns each month in order to give each of my clients the very best newborn experience possible. Be sure to get your due date on my books early in your pregnancy so that you are guaranteed a spot when baby arrives.
{{*IMPORTANT: Some of these shots are composite shots and should not be tried at home or by any photographer that isn’t a professional in photographing babies. Safety is always most important! }}