So, it’s the first Monday of the month and I am starting the year out by sharing a beautiful birth story! Happy New Year by the way, hope everyone’s NYE was amazing and you have a truly blessed 2016!
I have really enjoyed getting to know this sweet family! Through talking with Jennifer prior to her delivery, I learned that she had a history of quick deliveries by hearing of her birth story the day she had big brother AJ. Wow, what a story! And when she called me the morning of sweet Addison’s birth, I knew to be on my toes! Jennifer was excited to be in labor! She had checked in at baby+co. and when I talked with her she was casually heading home to grab some of her things and a bite to eat. Unfortunately sweet baby girl had other plans for us this morning, and she was ready to make her grand appearance! I received a text from Jennifer’s husband Aaron that they had not made it back to the birthing center just yet, but that her contractions were getting really strong, and he thought they may not have much time. I shot out the door immediately to arrive only moments after precious baby Addison had made her glorious arrival into this world. Apparently they had barely made it back themselves, but I am so glad they did!
Jennifer is a rockstar and makes having a baby look so easy {I know, I know, it’s not!}. She was up and moving around very shortly after delivery…I am telling you, she made it look glamorous! And the baby & co. off West End Avenue made it even feel glamorous! I felt right at home from the moment I walked in the front doors and enjoyed capturing these beautiful moments for them. AJ was smitten with sweet baby Addison from first glance and I love that I was able to capture that very first meeting for them. Enjoy reliving Addison’s amazing birth day…
Addison Miriam arrived at 11:53 and is absolutely beautiful!
So tiny weighing in at 5 lbs 13.5 ounces!
Love at first site in its strongest form…
Stop it! Baby smilies!!!
Love this!
And big brother AJ is here!
I’m not here, just ignore me! : )
Camera hog! : )
On my way out I stopped and took a few quick photos of one of the empty rooms so I could show you all how amazing this place is! It’s like giving birth in a spa! Next time I go back I will have to see if I can get more photos so you can get a feel of the entire place. If you are in the Nashville area and expecting or will be having babies in the future, I highly suggest you checking Baby+Co. out!